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Canary Pet Care

Beautiful yellow canary with a nice plumage.

Species Overview

  • Common Names: Canary, domestic canary
  • Scientific Name: Serinus canaria domestica
  • Adult Size: 4 3/4 to 8 inches, weighing less than 1 ounce
  • Life Expectancy: 5 to 15 years

A canary is an excellent choice for a bird. These birds are relatively inexpensive and great for beginners. They love to sing and don’t require a ton of work. A clean cage, fresh food, and water make them one of the easiest pet birds.

The canary is carefully bred for its colors and comes in an array of bright colors, including orange, white, red, and yellow. Yellow is the most common color for domestic canaries.

About the Canary

Canary Pet Care: Cage Set-Up


Canary birds enjoy being around people but do not like being handled. Many owners can train their canaries. They are intelligent birds. Training consists of getting the birds to sit on your hands, move to a perch, or direct the bird to fly around the room. Young birds are more comfortable to train, but you can tame and train most canaries with enough patience and consistent practice.

The canary is a relatively solitary bird — it will not get lonely if housed alone in a cage. It can also coexist in an aviary environment with other small birds. The only no-no is housing two male canaries together in a single cage; they will likely fight.

Origin and History

The wild canary is a small finch that is native to the Macaronesian islands of the Azores, Madeira, and the Canary Islands. Bred in captivity since the 17th century, the bird arrived in Europe by way of Spanish sailors after the conquest of the Macaronesian islands in 1478. The canaries sold in pet stores are now genetically quite different from their wild canary ancestors.

Speech and Vocalizations

The song canary is one of the most popular kinds of canary. Song canaries, especially males, are bred to sing. The most popular types are the Waterslager, the German Roller, the Russian Singer, the Spanish Timbrado, and the American Singer. Female canaries vocalize mostly with chirps, while males can develop elaborate songs. A Canary will not sing at all during its molting period.

Canary Pet Care: Diet and Nutrition


Your canary needs room to move around, be sure to minimize the clutter in its cage. They need room to move about from perch to perch. Another essential item is a toy. A canary needs only one single gadget, mirror, or branch in its cage. If your bird uses the birdbath, that splashing about counts as exercise. Offer a swing, bells, or hanging wooden or acrylic toys as a special treat.


Rare health issues that affect canaries are usually due to poor diet, a dirty cage, or drafts. If you notice any of these signs of illness or distress, contact a veterinarian who treats birds:

Pet Safety


  • Inexpensive, a good beginner bird
  • Melodious songster
  • Can be trained to fly to you


  • Not naturally a hands-on bird
  • One of the least needy of pet birds
  • Small-sized needs a smaller cage.

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