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Cockatiel Pet Care

A picture of two Cockatiels sitting on a perch, they're outside sitting on a perch.

Species Overview

  • Common Names: Cockatiel, tiel, quarrion (quarrian), weiro (weero)
  • Scientific Name: Nymphicus hollandicus
  • Adult Size: 12 or 13 inches, weighing between 2 to 4 ounces
  • Life Expectancy: 15 to 20 years with proper care, and sometimes as long as 30 years, though this is rare

A cockatiel is a popular choice for a pet bird. These little birds are gentle, affectionate, and often like to be petted and held. They are not necessarily fond of cuddling, but they want to be near you and will be very happy to see you.

About the Cockatiel

Cockatiel Care: Cage Set-Up


Origin and History

Speech and Vocalizations

Cockatiel Care: Diet and Nutrition

Cockatiel Care: Exercise


The most common health issue affecting cockatiels is nutritional deficiency. Too often, they only eat seeds. The vitamins and minerals found in fruits, vegetables, and a pellet-based diet are essential for preventing malnutrition. If you notice any of these signs of illness or distress, contact a veterinarian who treats birds:

Pet Safety


  • Smaller-sized parrot
  • A quieter bird that can learn to talk
  • Does not require a lot of outside cage time


  • Can nip if not hand-raised or well-trained
  • May not be affectionate or talk if housed with another cockatiel

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