Species Overview
- Common Names: Fire-belly Toad
- Scientific Name: Bombina Orientalis
- Distribution: China, Korea, Southern Russia
- Adult Size: 1-2”
- Life Expectancy: 7-15 years
The Fire-belly Toad is a frog and makes an easy-to-care-for pet. These beautiful amphibians are found in the mountains and rice patties of China, Korea, and Southern Russia. Their small size, easy care, and exciting behaviors make them great first pets. The bright red belly of these frogs is a warning to all predators that they are mildly toxic. Although not particularly dangerous to humans, handling should be kept to a minimum, and you must wash your hands thoroughly after contact.
About the Fire-belly Toad
Fire-belly Toad Care: Habitat Set-Up
- Fire-belly Toads will do best in a semiaquatic terrarium. Terrariums with half land and half water provide the perfect environment for Fire-belly Toads.
- 2 or 3 Fire-belly Toads will do well in a ten or 15-gallon terrarium. Larger groups will need a 20-gallon or bigger terrarium.
- Zoo Med’s ReptiHabitat™ or Naturalistic Terrariums are ideal for setting up the proper habitat.
- A Waterfall Kit™ is an excellent addition to a Fire-belly Toad terrarium because it will help keep water from becoming stagnant and will add a naturalistic look to your pet’s home.
- Zoo Med’s Black Silicone Rubber will allow you to build custom terrarium features with a water element that will suit all your frog’s needs.
- Daytime Terrarium Temperature 70-75° F
- Nighttime Terrarium Temperature 60-68° F
- No Basking Site is needed.
- Fire-belly toads are cold-tolerant amphibians and will do best with little to no supplemental heat in most homes.
- A quality Zoo Med Thermometer will enable you to monitor your terrarium temperatures.
- Like most amphibians, Fire-belly Toads do not require special UVB lighting. However, proper light cycles will encourage normal daytime behavior.
- Fire-belly toads do well with a day and night light cycle (photoperiod). This cycle is accomplished by using Zoo Med’s NatureSun® linear fluorescent lamp.
- Eco Earth® is the preferred substrate for most amphibian species. We recommend keeping a deep layer of 2” or more to allow your frog to burrow completely under the substrate.
- We recommend using ReptiSand™ as a substrate in the water element of your terrarium.
- Avoid using large gravel in your terrarium. Fire-belly toads can be aggressive feeders and will experience impaction if they are to swallow gravel.
- Zoo Med’s Terrarium Moss, Frog Moss, and New Zealand Sphagnum Moss are excellent choices to retain humidity in your terrarium.
Fire-belly Toad Care: Temperament
- The bright colors of these amphibians serve as a warning to predators. While not the most toxic of toads, regular handling of fire-bellied toads is not recommended, and you should avoid it altogether if you have any cuts on your hands. Always wash your hands thoroughly after touching them or cleaning their tanks.
- Housing these toads with other animals is not recommended. They have potential toxicity, but regular cleaning and water changes will help keep the toxins from building up in the tank.
- Fire-bellied toads do not have extendable tongues, so they use their mouths to grab their food and stuff it into their mouths with their forelegs. This smart toad often will announce its toxicity to potential predators by showing its belly. Most predators will realize that such bright colors indicate that eating this particular meal will make them ill.
Diet and Nutrition
- Fire-belly toads are insectivorous and need a variety of insects to stay healthy.
- Fire-belly Toads should be fed small crickets, or mealworms dusted with ReptiCalcium® and ReptiVite™ as directed.
- Feed as many insects as your Fire-belly Toad can eat in 15 minutes.
- Always offer a variety of feeder insects and small guppies occasionally.
Fire-belly Toad Care: Water
- Clean, fresh water is critical to keeping all amphibians healthy. We recommend using ReptiSafe® Water Conditioner to treat all water added to your terrarium.
- Zoo Med’s Repti-Fogger™, Habba Mist®, or Motomister™ can be used to add humidity to the enclosure.
- Water areas of amphibian enclosures need to be filtered, and frequent water changes are recommended. Zoo Med’s 318 Submersible Filter is the perfect choice for small water sections of terrariums.
- It would be best to filter larger water areas with Zoo Med’s 501 Canister Filter.
- Spray the terrarium daily.
Pet Safety
- Use caution when handling pets, and remember they may bite or scratch (especially when stressed).
- Supervise children around pets.
- ALL ANIMALS can potentially carry viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases contagious to humans.
- Thoroughly wash your hands with warm, soapy water before and after contact with any pet or its habitat.
- Adults should assist children with handwashing after contact with a pet, its habitat, or aquarium water.
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