Species Overview
- Common Names: Green Anole
- Scientific Name: Anolis carolinensis
- Distribution: Southeastern U.S. & Coastal Texas
- Adult Size: 5-8”
- Life Expectancy: 3-5 years
Green Anoles are among the most recognizable reptiles in the hobby. This small species has fascinating behaviors and does well in captivity when cared for properly. Anoles are inexpensive animals; however, the cost of maintaining them is similar to most other reptiles. Anoles make great terrarium pets; however, handling them should be kept to a minimum.
About the Green Anole
Green Anole Care: Habitat Set-Up
- Anoles will need at least a 10-gallon terrarium. Do not keep males together because they are territorial and will fight.
- Zoo Med’s Naturalistic Terrariums are an excellent choice for Green Anoles.
- This species is arboreal, so you’ll need to provide plenty of plants with sturdy branches for climbing.
- A Repti Shelter™, Habba Hut™, or Cork Bark will provide a secure hiding place to help reduce stress.
- Green Anoles do well in terrariums with running water. Zoo Med’s Waterfall Kit™ is a great way to provide a naturalistic landscape and offer your reptile fresh running water.
- Daytime Terrarium Temperature: 75-80° F
- Basking Spot: 85-90° F
- It is essential to create a thermal gradient in your terrarium. This gradient is accomplished by providing a Basking Spot Lamp and an under-tank heater on one side of the terrarium. Focusing the heating elements on one side of the cage will naturally provide the proper thermal gradient.
- Any of Zoo Med’s thermometers will help you monitor terrarium temperatures.
- Anoles are diurnal reptiles that will need special UVB lighting to stay healthy and grow strong.
- Zoo Med’s ReptiSun® 5.0 UVB Fluorescent Lamp provides UVB and illuminates your terrarium to create a natural photoperiod (day/night cycle).
- Zoo Med’s ReptSun® 5.0 Compact Fluorescent Lamp is an excellent choice for smaller terrariums.
- Green Anoles can be kept successfully on a variety of substrates. Zoo Med’s Eco Earth® and ReptiSand® are mixed to create a sandy soil mixture that replicates the Anoles’ wild habitat.
- Adding a small top layer of Zoo Med’s New Zealand Sphagnum Moss or Terrarium Moss with help maintain humidity in your terrarium.
Green Anole Care: Temperament
- Green anoles are the only breed of anole native to the United States. They are found in the wild in Tennessee, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, the Carolinas, and Texas.
- These pretty little lizards have emerald-green backs and pink “dewlaps” (pouches under their chins). An occasional anole may even have a blue tint.
- Anoles are fun to watch. They are active during the day, love to climb, and are willing to eat from their owner’s hands. However, while handling an anole, it’s vital to avoid grabbing it by the tail. Instead, try placing a hand under the lizard’s belly.
Green Anole Care: Diet and Nutrition
- Green Anoles are insectivorous and need a variety of insects to stay healthy.
- Insect size = width of Anole head.
- Green Anoles should be fed crickets or mealworms dusted with ReptCalcium® and ReptiVite™ as directed.
- Always remove uneaten crickets after each feeding.
Pet Safety
- Use caution when handling pets, and remember they may bite or scratch (especially when stressed).
- Supervise children around pets.
- ALL ANIMALS can potentially carry viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases contagious to humans.
- Thoroughly wash your hands with warm, soapy water before and after contact with any pet or its habitat.
- Adults should assist children with handwashing after contact with a pet, its habitat, or aquarium water.
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