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Tiger Salamander Pet Care

A Tiger Salamander is sitting on a green rock.

Species Overview

  • Common Names: Tiger Salamander, Eastern Tiger Salamander
  • Scientific Name: Ambystoma tigrinum
  • Distribution: Native to North America
  • Adult Size: 6 to 8 inches
  • Life Expectancy: 10 to 15 years

Tiger Salamanders are beautiful animals and popular exotic pets. They have a reasonably long lifespan and, with time, usually become tame. As pets, they can be lively and entertaining, and under the right conditions, they adapt well to captivity.

They have large eyes, short snouts, thick necks, strong legs, and long tails. Once you have their housing set up, their care instructions are pretty straightforward. Expect to spend time each week on feeding, cleaning, and monitoring the humidity and temperature.

About the Tiger Salamander

Tiger Salamander Pet Care: Habitat Set-Up




Tiger Salamander Pet Care: Temperament

Tiger Salamander Pet Care: Diet and Nutrition


Pet Safety

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